Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cutting Payroll taxes won't solve anything

Recently, both parties in congress have been in heated arguments over the newly formed government solution to all of our problems.  The solution....cut payroll taxes.

The question I have is this.  How in the world will this work?  If the government spending outweighs the amount of revenue they will bring in with these tax cuts, how can they cover the bill they are racking up?  Government has half the equation needed for a healthy economy to start rebuilding itself.  Cutting taxes is the first step.  The second step is simply to cut spending.  Only one Republican presidential candidate has called for this drastic change to government, Ron Paul.  He would call on government to remove itself from the equation and allow competition between businesses to create more jobs, better wages, cheaper goods, etc.

Government cannot solve this problem.  When will we wake up and see the light.

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