Friday, November 18, 2011

The Republican Problem

I feel it is immensely important to understand the fundamental issue that will plague the Republican party, as well as the Democrats.  Today, as I was listening to Laura Ingraham show, a light bulb illuminated my mind.  Ingraham was going on and on about how "America is looking for a leader, to fix things".

No personal offense to Laura Ingraham, but she keeps on purporting the same issue that is plaguing America.  A leader will never cure the evils of society.  The power the president has is borderline tyranny.  We practically live in a despotic regime as it is, why bring on someone of a different party to carry on the despotism?  The president is not suppose to be the fixer-upper guy.  Allowing citizens to be free to follow their own inclinations is the fundamental goal our society needs to reach; the Republican party is far from making that their objective.

Obama's policies have failed.  Just wake up and realize the inevitable truth.  Do you think the government will release the true unemployment percentage?  Most Americans understand this.  The solution, however, does not rest in some Republican party candidate.  Limited Government means limited government.  This means the president should not create the solution.  The only solution to the problem is if both parties argue for no solution.

What is overly apparent is that the Republican Party candidates for president have not advocated for this kind of solution.  President Obama does not advocate for this solution either so do not get the idea that I am anti-Republican party.  The point that is of utter importance is whether or not the Republican party will return to their original philosophy of a limited government and a free market.  What seems apparent is that they believe they can cure societies' evils just like President Obama believed that redistributing the wealth is the best economic system which will bring Utopia.

Let me make this clear in one sentence.  The Republican Party candidates have done nothing but construct solutions which makes room for some elitist to walk in and continue the despotic system we are current citizens of.

I think the bold makes the point quite clear.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful...just Beautiful David. If only we could return to virtues and understand the importance of the virtues in our society, we will then understand how big of a failure this country is and will become.
