Saturday, December 31, 2011

Prepare For The True Solution (This Is Our Last Chance)

Some may say this is crazy, but I will proceed with the necessary conclusion that can overturn the problem known as the U.S. government.  But to begin I must outline what exactly the problem is.  Is it big government?  Or is it more than just big government?  This is such an elaborate question that definitely needs a lot of attention.  One of the biggest reasons why we are in this mess is big government.  But, another big issue deals with some of the perhaps third party effects that occur from the fiscal and monetary policies of the U.S. government.  So let me try and point out some of these third party effects that do our market no good and our everyday, normal lives.

I.                   The U.S. dollar
Why is the dollar failing?  Why is China surpassing us?  Why this and Why that?  Well there is a simple answer for this.  Let us look at some major historical facts that need to be remembered.  First, the silver dollar use to be the main coinage of this culture.  Second, our dollar was backed by an asset that never loses value, Gold.  Third, somewhere in the latter 20th century, debt became our currency.
            The first two historical facts represent how our currency was once backed by assets that rarely lose their value.  Gold and silver are always great assets to invest in.  However, some found it an inconvenience to carry around gold and silver coin.  Thus, the dollar was printed on paper; this was a more convenient method of transaction.
            So far so good right?  Well no, it gets worse from here.  Government, under the FDR, removed the domestic use of the gold standard on the dollar but leaving in place the use of that asset in foreign economic practices.  Richard Nixon will go on to completely alleviate the use of the gold standard.  So what exactly is our dollar backed by?  Well from my best guess it would be the full faith of credit of the U.S. government.  Now we got to discuss what this means.  Does this mean the property the U.S. government has?  Does this include its subjects?  This is scary stuff to think about.
            Perhaps this is simple discussion, but through the use of reason we can completely dismantle the monetary policy of this government.  The main reason I say this, and this is almost an undisputable fact, is because our currency is debt.  We pay for things with debt.  Now what value does debt have?  The value is not a good one.  Debt assumes two things.  First, you don’t have the money need it and second, you have to pay it back.  Those are negative implications to value making debt having only one valuable notion to its name, being able to use the money to create things that were not there before.  So, Keynesian economics, as it is referred to, was born.  However, as Milton Friedman notes, Keynes would have never expected to see it to such a level as it has been taken today.  Because debt is now our currency, the value of what we actually have has the reciprocal effect on the value of the dollar.  Inflation is argued as the cure, but never actually cures anything.

II.                Presidential Power
I feel as if this is the most overlooked problem, especially in the current presidential race that is about to finish in Iowa.  The main expansion took place during FDR, as we all know.  My main argument is that the role of the president has become so big that democratic tyranny now makes sense for our nation.  Mark Levin once labeled it as soft tyranny.  I’ll stick with democratic tyranny, because we pick our tyrants, whether soft or hard.
The carnival show of the presidency has persuaded people in the U.S. to be utterly dependent on the president.  “As president, I will” is a commonly used term.  Constitutionally speaking, the following words should say “be commander in chief and head our military in war and sign bills into power or veto them.”  Last time I checked, practicing in the legislative process was not part of the President’s duties.  The only time the president can interfere with the legislative side of the federal government is when he receives the bill on his desk.  In today’s reality, the president is pushing his legislative agenda through.  This ameliorates freedom.  Now we our presidents as angels and saints like a third world country that is brainwashed by their dictator would.

III.             The solution
The only solution, now that we have dug ourselves in so much debt is both terrifying and tough.  Thomas Jefferson once declared:
“That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.”

This notion is more true today than it was in 1776.  The U.S. government is destructive of those ends, “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.”
            Thomas Jefferson warns us that we must destroy this government.  As citizens, we are the ones that government must get consent on.  We are the ones that must remove a government that dismantles our rights and eliminates happiness from our society.  Walking around, do you think people are happy?
            I know that the Department of Homeland Security will mark me as a terrorist, but the truth is they will use that power against the citizens because they know we can rise up and remove them from their positions of power.  In political sense, we should be able to shift the ideology into a more correct one.  However, the elitist of this country have finally succumbed a good majority of the minds out there.  Perhaps Mark Steyn got it right when he said there will not be an America here soon; sooner than expected. 
            Honestly, I think this is the last election we got before it is too late for us.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Cutting Payroll taxes won't solve anything

Recently, both parties in congress have been in heated arguments over the newly formed government solution to all of our problems.  The solution....cut payroll taxes.

The question I have is this.  How in the world will this work?  If the government spending outweighs the amount of revenue they will bring in with these tax cuts, how can they cover the bill they are racking up?  Government has half the equation needed for a healthy economy to start rebuilding itself.  Cutting taxes is the first step.  The second step is simply to cut spending.  Only one Republican presidential candidate has called for this drastic change to government, Ron Paul.  He would call on government to remove itself from the equation and allow competition between businesses to create more jobs, better wages, cheaper goods, etc.

Government cannot solve this problem.  When will we wake up and see the light.

Monday, December 12, 2011

The Doctor of Ages does Politics

Some of you may only recognize Thomas Aquinas as a great theologian of the high medieval period.  The truth is his political treatise offers a compelling form of government that is highly similar to the one that our founding fathers had in mind.  Although most just toss Aquinas' politics to the curve, I offer a complete outline of his political, legal, and economic thoughts in my most recent work.  If you are having troubles explaining to your liberal friends why a government that governs least is best, then download this.  Share it.  Love it.  

Download here: